Trading Calendar: How Many Trading Days in a Year?

2 most inquired questions by beginner traders are; ‘Is the stock market open today?’, ‘Will the stock market open tomorrow?’ This query can be permanently resolved if you Know the number of trading days in a year.

Knowing ‘how many trading days in a year?’ is important for a beginner as well as professional traders. A beginner is curious to know when he/she can trade or not whereas a professional trader is looking for trading opportunities to fulfill financial goals. In this article, we will explore the typical number of trading days in a year for major financial markets and provide insights into factors that can affect the total trading days.

Trading Days in Major Stock Markets:

  1. United States (US) Stock Market: The US stock market, including the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ, typically operates for 252 trading days in a year. This includes weekdays, excluding weekends and certain holidays observed by the market.
  2. London Stock Exchange (LSE): The London Stock Exchange follows a similar schedule to the US market, operating for approximately 252 trading days in a year. However, it is important to note that the LSE may have slight variations due to local holidays and observances.
  3. Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE): The Tokyo Stock Exchange, one of the largest stock exchanges in Asia, typically operates for about 245 trading days in a year. Similar to other markets, it follows a weekday schedule and observes holidays specific to Japan.

How to calculate the number of trading days in a year?

Example of US Stock Market

Trading (stock, forex, commodities) is done 5 days a week; from Monday to Friday. We can calculate the number of trading days in a year by multiplying the number of weeks in a year by 5 and subtracting govt. holidays.

No of weeks in a year = 52 weeks + 1 day

Number of trading days in a year = (52 x 5 + 1) – Govt. holidays

2024 Calendar shows;

Govt. holidays in 2024 = 11

number of holidays in year 2024 calendar indicate the days when stock market trading is off.


Number of trading days in year 2024 = (52 x 5 + 2) – 11 [For 2024, 1 day is added to no of trading days.]

Number of trading days in year 2024 = 251

Factors Affecting the Number of Trading Days in a Year:

Mentioned above are the typical number of trading days in a year but actually, trading will be done for how many trading days in a year, varies slightly based on the following factors;

  1. Market Holidays: Trading days can be affected by market holidays observed by specific countries or regions. Holidays can vary significantly, impacting the total number of trading days in a year. Common holidays include New Year’s Day, Christmas, Independence Day, and local observances.
  2. Half-Day Trading: Some exchanges may have half-day trading sessions on certain days, usually before or after major holidays. These sessions have reduced trading hours and can be considered as partial trading days.
  3. Early Closures: In some cases, exchanges may close early on certain days, such as the day before a major holiday. These early closures can affect the total number of trading hours and impact the overall count of trading days in a year.
  4. Local Market Regulations: Each financial market operates based on its own set of regulations and practices. These regulations can determine the number of trading days, trading hours, and holidays observed. It is important for traders to familiarize themselves with the specific rules of the markets they trade in.


The number of trading days in a year varies across different financial markets and countries. Major stock markets like the US, UK, and Japan typically operate for around 250 trading days, excluding weekends and market holidays. Factors such as market holidays, half-day trading sessions, early closures, and local regulations can affect the total number of trading days.

You should always consult the official schedule of the specific equity market in order to accurately determine the number of trading days in a year. Understanding the trading calendar is essential for effective trading planning, risk management, and executing trading strategies in the dynamic world of financial markets.


How many crypto trading days in a year?

Crypto trading is done 24/7 and the number of crypto trading days in a year is 365 and 366 days for a leap year.

Is Stock Market open today?

If it is not a public holiday, the stock market is open today.

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